Lincoln County Homeless Advisory Board


The four workgroups were designed to divide up the work of mission and the strategic planning process into parts that can be researched. These groups will learn together and bring information back to the collective larger group to form a cohesive plan.

Community engagement

The community engagement workgroup is focused on listening to residents throughout Lincoln County. This group will convene a panel of residents with lived experience to learn more about their specific needs, and invite them to provide feedback to the other workgroups.

Additionally, this group focuses on the following: community connectivity and involvement; community experience regarding homelessness and housing insecurity; housing and rental barriers; employment experiences and seasonality; community experience related to wildfires and natural barriers; and other related community experiences.

service provision & Policy

The service provision and policy workgroup is focused on understanding the experiences of service providers in the houseless care industry, as well as the experiences of individuals who provide supports to houseless communities. This group will convene a panel of service professionals and supporting individuals to learn more concerning their experiences, and invite them to provide information to the other workgroups.

Additionally, this group focuses on issues regarding housing supply, demand , and rentals; social services demand and capacity; education and training demand, capacity; funding demand, access, and barriers to funding; emergency needs and availability; and other related experiences that pertain to providing services.

Mental & Physical health

The mental and physical health workgroup is focused on all aspects of healthcare and surrounding supporting professions. This workgroup is comprised of various healthcare professionals and interested residents, tasked with gathering county wide information regarding care experiences, practices, and integration with related services.

Additionally, this group focuses on patient and provider experiences, capacity, demand; mental healthcare access, funding; medial and dental care; local healthcare practices and policies; emergency needs and resources; chain of care, protocols, and liabilities; law enforcement, social workers, and other related service policies; and other related topics pertaining to care.

Finance & Economics

The finance and economics workgroup is comprised of economic professionals and interested community members. This workgroup discovers data and analyzes it to provide insights to the strategic planning process.

Additionally, this group focuses on the following: housing supply and demand; workforce & employment supply, demand; local income and resources; utilities, childcare, healthcare, and other common personal costs; financial barriers, institutional barriers; budgets and other municipal resources; and other related financial data.

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